This document is an 8-10 page report, revealing the writer's personality
characteristics and abilities, specifically:
- How the writer reacts to situations. Is this a person who keeps their
emotions under control or do they show their feelings easily?
- Do they have lots of energy or tire quickly?
- What method does the writer use to think and process information?
- What kind of an imagination does this writer possess? How strong is
- Time awareness - is the writer always late or punctual? Are they aware
of things going on around them?
- Is the writer a self-starter? How much initiative does this person
- Are the writer's goals difficult to reach or are they easy to achieve?
How good is the writer at achieving goals? What is their potential for
Human beings are very complex and some personality traits serve to
help, while others will hinder us.
This report will also provide:
- An analysis of how the writer's personality traits affect each other
- Identification of fears and anxieties
- What personality traits the writer uses to defend fears and anxieties
Is the writer a person of integrity?
This report will identify:
- The positive and negative traits influencing the writer's integrity
- The positive and negative influences affecting sociability
This report also provides:
- An analysis of the writer's signature. Find out what the signature
is saying.
- 1-hour client follow-up to answer questions and offer clarification
of analysis, if required.